How to Style Window Treatments for Tall and Narrow Windows

tall window

Windows play a crucial role in any home, performing tasks such as lighting the space, providing a stunning view of the outside world, and improving the overall appearance of the room. Given their various shapes and dimensions, selecting the most suitable window treatment can be a challenge. You might be pondering over the most suitable curtains, blinds or shades to match your room, or how to keep the sun’s heat out in the summer. Fear not, as this article will guide you in finding the perfect window treatment for your tall, slender or wide windows. So, let’s take a closer look at some options.

The Best Options for Tall and Narrow Windows

Window treatments are an important aspect of home decor and can greatly impact the appearance and function of a room. With advancements in the industry, there are now several options for tall windows, each offering unique benefits and styles.

Cellular Shades

Cellular shades are a popular choice for tall windows due to their energy efficiency and modern aesthetic. The shades trap air in distinct pockets, creating an insulating layer at the window and reducing energy costs. They are available in single or double cells, with the double cells being more expensive but ideal for extreme temperatures. They can be used for large fixed windows and high ceiling windows as well.

Vertical Blinds

Vertical blinds are a suitable option for large fixed windows. They regulate room temperature, provide privacy, and block sunlight while also allowing for easy control. They come in various colors and can be installed to a curtain rod, making them simple to use.

Horizontal Sheers

Horizontal sheer shades are a unique combination of drapes and blinds, offering the best of both worlds. They allow sunlight into the room while also allowing for privacy control through the use of vanes. They are a good option for high ceiling windows and large fixed windows.

Plantation Shutters

Plantation shutters are a hassle-free option for high ceiling windows, providing a simple solution for controlling the amount of light entering the room. The louvers can be set at a particular angle, making it easy to manage the amount of sunlight that enters.


Finally, drapery is a classic option for tall narrow windows that provides a regal and dramatic look. When shopping for drapery, it’s important to consider the scale of the room and choose larger pleats to achieve the desired grand effect. Adding valances and tiebacks can add a touch of class.

Navigating the world of window treatments for tall, slender windows can be a challenge, but you don’t have to go it alone. That’s why we’ve put together this comprehensive list of options for you to choose from. If you’re still uncertain about which option is right for you, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for expert guidance. Our team at Nu View Custom Window Treatments is always ready to assist and answer any questions you may have. We’re here to make your window treatment journey as smooth and stress-free as possible. So, take a deep breath, and let us help you find the perfect solution!

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